Library Information

Library Conduct:

Caring–by demonstrating empathy, respect, & consideration for others
               -by working and playing respectfully & collaboratively with others
Respectful–to oneself, other people, and our surroundings
Safe–by acting in a way that keeps oneself and others free from injury/emotional distress


Borrowing Limits:

Kindergarten: 1 book

Grade 1: 1 books

Grade 2-7: 2 books.

The books are due the following week.  You will be able to renew the items once.  Please sign out as many as you are capable of reading in a timely manner.  Consider other students who may want to read the books.  The maximum number of books can be changed if extra books are required for a research project.


Care of Items:

The materials in the library is for all to use and enjoy.  Please take care to bring the items back in the same condition you borrowed it.  If you need a plastic bag to protect books from those rainy days, I would be happy to provide you with one.


Lost or Damaged:

Books that are overdue will be considered lost after a week.  A reminder notice will be sent to find and return the book.  Towards the end of the school year, a notice will be sent for the cost of replacing the lost item.  Funds paid will be considered settled.  If books are found after payment, you can keep the book and enjoy it.   An alternative payment option is to purchase a copy of the lost book and give it to the library.

For damaged books, a few can be saved with a little bit of attention and care from me.  However, students returning books that are damaged beyond repair will be given a notice for the replacement cost of the book.